II. The best lesson you could ever learn is from your
grandma: how to let your pain make you softer. Trust me, this is not a
III. Your uncle is lost. Maybe he won't always be; I
don't know. I can't see into the future. But I hope he'll
be found one day.
IV. Your dad... Your dad is a high-speed sports car
with a clock set six hours behind. Don't worry. You can always trust his
V. Sometimes I think of petitioning the Pope to give
your mom sainthood. She performed a miracle on your dad. I don't worry about
him like I once did.
VI. So why do you have three grandmothers? Ask me
again when you're 14, and I'll lay out the history of our patchwork family as
best as I know it. They all love you, though. Always be sure of that.
VII. My wish for you is that you don't grow up by
yourself. I hope your parents eventually give you a sibling. Siblings are the
best allies. You need someone to look at you and say, "They're crazy but we're
not." Cousins are well and good, but they're not the same type of ally.
The boys always had each other, but I'm young enough that I was on my own.
VIII. I promise that, if you play hockey, I will do my
best to care. (But please play basketball. Or football? I could get into
IX. Please be nice to girls. Don't pull on anyone's
pigtails, okay? If you like a girl, tell her. Never touch anyone without asking
them or if they don't want you to. This is how to be a good man.
X. I'm sorry you're inheriting this world, kiddo. I
hope we can make it better for you soon.
XI. I worry about a lot of things, but I don't worry
about you. Not one bit. I'll let your parents do that. You're in the best hands
with them.
XII. You are so loved.
I love the Jillian! So heartfelt!